Q4 Earnings Keep Powering Along

Another week, another update on Q4 earnings from the Calcbench Earnings Tracker. Our latest analysis, of more than 700 companies, shows brisk growth in net income from the year-earlier period and a few other important metrics also moving in the right direction. 

Calcbench tracks these earnings using our Earnings Tracker template, which pulls in financial disclosures as companies file their latest earnings releases with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Earnings Tracker provides an up-to-the minute snapshot of financial performance compared to the year-earlier period.

At close of business on Friday, Feb. 7, we had Q4 filings for more than 700 non-financial firms. Revenue was up 3.11 percent, but net income popped an impressive 17.6 percent compared to the end of 2023. See Figure 1, below.

One nice data point is the cost of revenue, which is down 3.2 percent from the year-ago period. That tracks with our first Q4 earnings update last week, which reported a 3.94 percent decline — but that first week tracked only about 120 large firms, and wasn’t necessarily reflective of trends for all filers. Now we have 700+ firms from a wide range of industries, and are getting closer to trends reflective of all filers. Cost of revenue is still going down. For anyone still scarred by the inflation spike of two years ago, you can continue to breathe easier. 

Also note that Sales, General & Administrative expenses are down 1.8 percent. That could be reflective of lower payroll costs, or lower costs for items such as shipping, office supplies, utilities, or other overhead. Whatever the specifics, SG&A costs are down. CFOs won’t complain about that. 

Calcbench will continue to update our earnings tracker at the end of every week for the next few weeks, as quarterly reports flood into the database. 

If Calcbench subscribers wish to get their hands on the template we use for this analysis, so you can conduct your own experiments at home, use this link to the file

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