Another Analysis Shortcut From Calcbench
As we all wait for Q4 and full-year 2024 earnings to arrive, Calcbench wanted to share yet another way that subscribers can quickly find, analyze, and export all that financial data companies report. We got you covered.
Start with our Recent Filings page, which tracks and indexes corporate filings typically within a few minutes of those filings arriving at the Securities and Exchange Commission. For many companies (and almost all large ones), you’ll see an option on the far right side of your screen that says Export Data Tables. See Figure 1, below.
If you click on that Export Data Tables option, Calcbench will then open a new tab displaying all the table data from the company you’ve chosen in spreadsheet format. We randomly selected Calumet ($CLMT), a solvents manufacturer that filed preliminary earnings results on Jan. 14, to see what would come up. The result is Figure 2, below.
OK, a quick table to reconcile Calumet’s estimated net loss for Q4 to the company’s Adjusted EBITDA. Calumet reported a potential range for Q4 net loss, and we won’t know the precise number until it files a full earnings release and quarterly report in a few weeks — but you can already see some internal adjustment items and what they’re likely to be.
There’s more, too. Look at that row of buttons above the spreadsheet: the second one from the left says “Filings.” If you click on that button, you’ll get a new display that lets you see all the recent filings right there next to your spreadsheet. See Figure 3, below.
Now you can choose from any of the filers on that new pane on the right; when you hit “Export Data Tables” again, that information will automatically populate into the spreadsheet display on the left.
Even better, notice the text field above that list of recent filers. You can type in the name of any company, and get a display of all filings for that company. We typed in JPMorgan Chase ($JPM), and got the results shown in Figure 4, below.
Astute observers will notice the spreadsheet display is now different. That’s because once the list of JPMorgan filings appeared, we clicked on Export Data Tables for the Form 8-K earnings filing listed near the top. As soon as we did, Calcbench displayed all important financial metrics at the top and then listed 10 tables’ worth of data further down the spreadsheet. It’s all there, waiting to be exported to your own desktop in a tidy Excel spreadsheet.
(Especially astute observers will even notice that the Calumet data is still there on the spreadsheet too, in a secondary tab pushed to the back.)
You can use these capabilities to hop from one filing to another, extracting footnote-level disclosures and piling them into nifty spreadsheet tables with just a few clicks; Calcbench does all the heavy extraction and processing for you. Everything is neatly labeled, lined up, and ready to go.
All you need is a Calcbench subscription, a keen sense of which companies you want to study, and strong fingers to start typing as soon as the earnings data starts to arrive. We’ll do the rest!
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