How to Research Non-GAAP Disclosures

Non-GAAP financial disclosures and other performance metrics are now widely used in financial statements. So today we offer a refresher course to Calcbench users on how to find such data quickly and easily, and export it to Excel for your own further analysis.

This may take a while because, of course, we have so many ways to capture and analyze non-GAAP data.

Standardized Non-GAAP Metrics

The easiest place to begin your research is on the Multi-Company Disclosures page. The field for standardized disclosure metrics that we track (on the left side of the screen) now tracks more than a dozen common non-GAAP disclosures. Figure 1, below, shows some of the potential choices when you type “non-GAAP” into the search field.

Simply select the non-GAAP disclosure you want to find, and our database will pull it up for all companies in your peer group that report that metric. For example, Figure 2, below, shows all the net income and non-GAAP net income reported in the Dow Jones Industrial Average for 2023 annual reports. 

Notice that not all companies report non-GAAP metrics. Apple ($AAPL), Caterpillar ($CAT), and several others in the Dow Jones Industrials don’t, and hence the non-GAAP entry for them is blank. 

This display is most useful if you want to study non-GAAP disclosures for a large group of companies, or to calculate the difference between a GAAP and non-GAAP disclosure quickly. (Just export the whole thing to Excel and then you can do the math in an adjacent column.)

A Single Company’s Non-GAAP Disclosures

Calcbench also has several ways to track non-GAAP disclosures at individual companies, primarily by using our Interactive Disclosures database to research footnote disclosures. 

Let’s use Boeing ($BA) as a randomly selected example.

Start by going to the Interactive Disclosures page and pulling up the earnings release from the “Choose footnote disclosure type” field on the left side of the page. The earnings release is where companies report non-GAAP metrics. Simply scroll through the release and you’ll come to those disclosures quickly enough. 

Figure 3, below, shows some of the non-GAAP metrics that Boeing discloses right away. 

For every non-GAAP metric that is hyperlinked (and all three non-GAAP disclosures in the above figure are), you can do a few things. 

You can export the entire table (non-GAAP disclosures and all) by holding your cursor over the hyperlinked item until an Excel icon appears with an “Export” command next to it.

You can export the history of that specific line item, also by holding your cursor over the disclosure; except this time select the “Export History” choice next to the Excel icon. Indeed, if you simply hold the cursor long enough, the previous values for that non-GAAP disclosure will appear on your screen! See Figure 4, below. 

In fact, did you see what we did there in Figure 4? The non-GAAP disclosure isn’t about financial performance at all! It’s about deliveries of Boeing planes. Calcbench tracks all those disclosures too, which really are more key performance metrics than they are non-GAAP financial disclosures. 

We’ve written before about revenue metrics in the airline industry, revenues in the railroad industry organized by type of item shipped, passenger numbers for ride-sharing services, and much more. 

The bottom line is that companies report a wide range of disclosures, from non-GAAP financial metrics to key performance indicators — and Calcbench can help you track them all, easily and quickly.


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