More on Capex Spending
Today we want to keep pulling on a financial analysis thread we first noticed in our post last week about Q3 2024 earnings : that trends in spending on capital equipment may not be as rosy as they seem. Specifically, we noticed that while growth in “capex” spending among 3,200 firms seems positive — up 17 percent compared to the year-ago period — that increase was actually driven by only 10 firms spending gobs more money on capital expenditures . Among all the other firms we examined, Q3 2024 capex spending actually fell compared to Q3 2023 levels. So how true is that pattern, really? Which firms are pouring money into capex spending, and to what extent is that spending among the few distorting the picture for the whole? To unpack those issues, we first pulled together a peer group of 1,800 non-financial firms with at least $100 million in revenue. Then, using our Bulk Data Query page , we looked at their quarterly capex spending from the start of 2021 through Q2 2024, broken into...