Charticle: Dollar General Segments
Discount retail chain Dollar General Corp. ($DG) filed its 2023 annual report this week , which piqued our interest here at Calcbench. After all, a company so large — $38.7 billion in annual revenue, more than 20,000 stores across the United States — must have interesting things to say about consumer purchasing habits, right? So we decided to take a look. We already know what some of you might say: “Hold on, Dollar General has only one operating segment! There are no smaller segments you can examine.” Ah, but that’s not the case — if you know where to look. Turns out that while Dollar General does report only a single operating segment on the income statement, it does break out several smaller categories in an Operating Segment footnote . Using our Interactive Disclosure database, we pulled up that footnote, exported the data to Excel, and within 60 seconds had created Figure 1, below. Dollar General groups its total sales into four categories: consumables, seasonal items, home p...